Bombaci Miami
The website theme for Bombaci was created with the overall goal of the website to be able to stand as a digital showroom so the client is able to present all of their products. The design was created with the customers requests of elegance and timelessness. The design is based on the brand's guidelines, ensuring consistency with the company's visual identity. The interface is streamlined and intuitive, allowing customers to easily navigate through the website and find the information they need. The website is also designed to be easy to maintain, ensuring that updates and changes can be made easily without compromising the overall design.
Upon initial consultation, the client expressed a desire to craft a website that exuded a simple yet welcoming and contemporary feeling. During the wireframing process, I remained mindful of the client's primary objective of showcasing their previous work and product line, given their current absence of a physical showroom.
I worked with the client to edit the website copy, selecting the best images possible to highlight each product.
Throughout building I studied the instructions and samples of websites provided by the brand. Using these guidelines, I was able to create a straightforward and contemporary website that showcases the client's previous projects and services offered.
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